What to do?
Is it just a hassle or a permanent problem?
Domestic violence has many faces. It's not just the black eye or the bruises on your arms.
There are also psychological injuries that can result from oppression, isolation, economic and emotional dependency.
Do you feel oppressed or very dependent on your partner? Are you no longer able to move freely or are you severely restricted financially?
The children living with it are also affected by violence in partnership relationships. They do recognize that violence and oppression play a role in their lives. Even if they are spared physical violence, they still experience violence against their mother or father. The children need your help! Don't look away, ask the police or the advice centers what can be done.
Relationship violence also occurs across generations. Senior citizens living in the household are often dependent on the goodwill of their caregivers. Physical and psychological violence are unacceptable. If you are aware of such situations, contact the police or the relief organizations in your area.
Recognize domestic violence
Violence in partnership or family relationships often develops gradually and develops into an unbalanced power relationship. It can have various causes: stressful life circumstances (losing a job, debts, addictions) but also changed life situations (e.g. birth of a child or concern for older relatives)
Signs of domestic violence can include: obvious injuries, being isolated from a partner, withdrawing yourself, constantly apologizing, financial constraints, heavy control. Violence can slowly escalate and become entrenched over a long period of time.
Find help and get advice from the network partner offices. A report to the police can lead to a solution to your situation together with the aid organizations.
Help for victims:
Talk about your situation with real friends, aid organizations or the police. If you are a witness to a discrepancy in your partnership, seek advice and help from aid organizations such as the women's emergency hotline (Frauennotruf) and the women's shelter (Frauenhaus), victim support (Opferhilfe), child protection association (Kinderschutzbund)), the Weißer Ring (see information on the right-hand side) or, of course, the police.
Perpetrator work:
In violent situations, the perpetrators must also be given attention. They should change their behavior. They receive support from (“WoGe”), ways out of violence.
Further help and information can be found in the Equal Opportunities Offices of the city of Göttingen (Stadt Göttingen) and the district of Göttingen (Landkreis Göttingen).
Police advice:
Prevention team of the Göttingen police: send our contact person an e-mail:
Corinna Klaus-Rosenthal
Otto-Hahn-Str. 2
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: 0551/ 491-2307 or – 2306 (mailbox)